Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Exorcist

The Exorcist is notable as one of the earliest foray's of the New Hollywood into the horror genre. It is easy to see what it might have offered to the normal American filmgoer that would have been quite new with the film's particular techniques of horror, particularly in its use of editing to almost create subconscious terror in the viewer. William Friedkin technically takes the risk of so often visually the terror directly yet it works incredibly well by the images themselves, but also the always terrifying why they are employed. Certain images such as the devil face if focused on long might seem silly yet given just a monetary glimpse they are chilling. Friedkin makes this particularly effective by just how gripping the sense of dread is throughout the film, that it always seems like something terrible is going to happen even in simplest of moments. The film makes it past just being a terror though as there is an emotional connection pivotal to the film that is so well realized by the strong performances by Max von Sydow, Ellen Burstyn and Jason Miller that always stay reserved even amidst the madness which the demon creates.

1 comment:

Giuseppe Fadda said...

I probably don't love it quite as much as you do but I agree it's an excellent movie. It brings the right amount of terror to the story but it also manages to involve the viewer emotionally. Although I have to admit I don't really get the love for Max Von Sydow here: he's definitely good but most people find him amazing. I don't think he had much of a role to begin with.