Friday, March 20, 2020

F for Fake

F for Fake is latter day Welles in pure form, where as much as you can see the brilliance, there is also almost a hubris in the film making in a way. He we have Welles examine different tricksters he's interacted with by presenting his own story as well, where he has conned through life. The film itself is a con, as we get "a" truth, and in a way is brilliant in Welles in a way showing what the documentary form is, by creating that assumption of truth even as in the final act of the film openly admits he has lied to you. Welles overarching vision is something quite remarkable, though the film's presentation at times borders upon self-indulgence even if it is often with a striking purpose. Although Welles's later works aren't his best works, the genius of Welles is still quite evident, and that is the case here, which when at its best is profound, while at its worst, it is indulgent, however indulgence of an ambitious man.

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